Thursday, August 23, 2007

Moving to a new site....

I started blogging over on Vox a while back and have found that the interface is so much easier that when I decide to write something, I inevitably do it over there.

Given that, the Vox blog is going to be the only place I update going forward (except perhaps for some major announcement.) This blog was intended to document my time in business school and since I have graduated it has truly served its purpose.

I will (when time allows) add some sort of table of contents post to this to make it easy to look things up. Thanks to everyone who followed along and left comments. I hope to see you over on Vox.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Another start-up shout out

One of my classmates is working for Mimoco, a company that makes customizable flash drives. They have a licensing deal with Lucasfilms to create Star Wars based characters and just came out with a new line of drives designed by illustrator Dino Alberto.

Check out the link

And here is a picture of the new line:

For you graphic designers out there they are also running a contest for people to design their own mimobot. Check out the website for details.


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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Shout out to a buddy

One of my best friends founded a company just out of business school and they are starting to get some press. The company is named Identicert and their idea is EasyQube.

EasyQube is designed for densely populated areas and essentially provides apartment complexes and other public sites a secure place to store packages for delivery or pick up. Since most delivery companies (DHL, Fedex) lose money if they need to come to your place for a delivery more than once, it saves them time and money which (if EasyQube takes off) should save you money on shipping charges.

Here is some of the press. If you get Time magazine you might be seeing something in there soon as well

Since it is looking more and more like I might also end up at a startup, it's heartening to see a friend a few years into the process and having some success.

Good luck Jorge!

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