Sunday, July 15, 2007

New and exciting ice cream flavors from Japan

  • Salad Ice Cream.
  • Ox Tongue Ice Cream.
  • Sweet Potato Ice Cream.
  • Fried Eggplant Ice Cream.
  • Cactus Ice Cream.
  • Nagoya Noodle Ice Cream.
  • Chicken Wing Ice Cream.
  • Wasabi Ice Cream.
  • Pit Viper Ice Cream.
  • Natural Viagra Ice Cream.
I'll leave it to all of you to decide whether these are good or not. I will say that I've had sweet potato ice cream and it is very, very good.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger KaliAmanda said...

Well, I like chicken wings and I love ice cream. Somethings shouldn't be mixed though -- like vodka and gin... No, wait!

At 12:20 PM, Blogger -tvu said...

Wanna try the sweet potato ice cream. Cactus and wasabi ice cream sounds fun. Natural Viagra Ice Cream sounds...WTF?

At 5:26 AM, Blogger MW (My Wish) said...

Sweet potatoes are great in desserts. I would try cactus.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger KaliAmanda said...

Ben & Jerry's will offer two new flavors (for a limited time only):

Duff & D'Oh-Nuts
(chocolate and stout)


Chocolate Chip Cookie D'Oh
(not new, just renamed and it's, well, duh)

Here's a link to the story:

At 9:01 AM, Blogger ReyLynda said...

At least these are better than those freakish Jelly Bellies produced in conjunction with the Harry Potter films....Bertie Bott's Beans. They have flavors like snot, dirt, soap....



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