Pesto making....
The basil plant we bought is growing so well that I decided to make pesto the other night. If you've never made your own, it's probably the easiest thing you can make (provided you have a food processor.)

Pull off two cupfuls of leaves and add a clove of garlic, two tablespoons of parmesan cheese, two tablespoons of roasted pine nuts and some salt and pepper. Put it all in the food processor:

Blend it and then blend as you add two tablespoons of olive oil through the top. This is the result:

While I made the pesto and cooked the pasta, Pam made us a snack. Again, very simple. A whole wheat baguette and some blue cheese, toasted in the oven:

For pasta, we had angel hair mixed with the pesto and some delicious olives. The pasta was a little dry and like a dumbass I dumped all the pasta water so I couldn't moisten it. I won't do that again.

I love pesto and basils. It looks so good. Such a shame that we don't have good italian food in town and it is difficult to get these ingredients to make my own pesto.
The comment window appeared so slowly that I had to give up last time I was trying to comment. But today it is a bit better. I was going to say that the pasta looked yummy with your pesto sauce.
I have started to grow my own as well because big bunches of pesto are unavailable to purchase here. Still waiting.....
Use tongs to remove spaghetti from the pot then, toss with pesto. Growing basil here as well. Big bunches or basil are unavailable for purchase here and, too expensive to buy fresh. I haven't had fresh pesto in 2 years :(
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