Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Letters From Iwo Jima

The Brandeis crew went out and saw this this weekend at Roppongi Hills, which is a very nice complex of shops, cafes, condos.

I would have to agree with the reviews I've read and say that this is one of the better anti-war movies I've ever seen. It accepts that war, while horrible, is sometimes inevitable and necessary.

It also lets us know, in no uncertain terms, how futile and pointless the Japanese defense of this island is. How some Japanese soldier took their bushido code and perverted it into a form of fundamentalism that ultimately led to the near destruction of their country.

In a larger context it talks about how pointless war usually it.

I wish I had better words to describe how powerful and moving it was. It was superbly acted and Eastwood's touch is perfect. It's a beautifully crafted and filmed movie.

Ken Watanabe, as always, was superb. I second my friend Dan when he said that Watanabe is quickly becoming one of his favorite actors.

Seeing something like this spurs me in my desire to better learn Japanese. I want to be able to see this film without subtitles and understand it.


At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy new year!

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you posted on this film, I was wondering what kind of reception it was getting out there in Japan.

Happy New Year to you, and hopefully you find even more fun adventures in the year to come!


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