More Harajuku....
One of our classmates, Jacob, came to Tokyo from Beijing for a few days so we decided again to give him a tour of the highlights.
Luckily for him, he's small enough that Japanese clothing fits him so he was able to do some shopping. While we were trolling around through Harajuku we came across the greatest T-shirt store in the history of mankind. Here are some of the shirts we saw...
These are my favorites. The looks on their faces are priceless. The pig is about to eat tonkatsu, which is a traditional fried pork cutlet.

Take that Ronald! The katakana translates to something like "pamakaro" or "pakaro" I can't really tell what the second character is supposed to be.

Dan seems to think there is more than one meaning to this shirt.

Big Bird apparently cooks up real nice...

This shirt says "nihongo wakarimasen" which means "I don't understand Japanese."

And this is Jeremy's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The picture isn't really blurry, it's just that the jacket foiled any attempts to properly focus the shot.

I saw the "believe in meat" shirt while in Harajuku....damn I wish I had bought it!!!
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