Ahikabara and Poker Night 2
This post is dedicated to Bonnie, Jeremy's wife. Bless her heart, she agreed to go to Akihabara with a bunch of otaku and got stuck following us around Yodobashi Camera.
For those of you unfamiliar with it, Yodobashi Camera is a monstrously huge electronics store. If it plugs into a wall, I'm pretty confident that Yodobashi sells it. They have iPods and other portable electronics (cell phones, etc) on the first floor, computers on the second. There are eight floors containing appliances, lamps, videogame systems, etc. You name it, they probably have it.
We originally headed over so that I could replace the wireless router I bought there as it appeared to be broken. However, I'd forgotten a key component of it (the wireless card that came with it) so we could not return it that day. Since we were there, we decided to explore a bit and the dorks (Dan, Matt, Jeremy and I) quickly dragged Bonnie up to the sixth floor where we hoped there would be working Playstation3 units available for our use. Our dreams were answered.
This video is grainy (the original is not, but the YouTube version is) but will give you PS3 junkies a little taste of what is to come. The graphics we saw were absolutely unbelievable.
Here is Matt and Jeremy spinning up some jams...

You really better have some chops if you're going to play this guitar...

After Matt and Jeremy spent about an hour looking at strange watches (and finally settling on two) we had mercy on poor Bonnie and headed back to Waseda to relax. We kind of decided on the way that we'd get a poker game going. When we got to the dorm a few of the guys there were interested in playing as well so all told six people ponied up Y500 each, winner took all.
Here is one action shot of me, Eric (from Hawaii,) Jarrod (Minnesota) and Jeremy (standing in green shirt.) Not sure of the other guy's name as he did not say much, but I do know he's British.

When it was all said and done I took home the Y3000 prize (all of which went to reloading my subway card.) Dan wondered openly why I have won both of our poker nights, to which I responded "Because I'm better than any of you!" Just laying some groundwork for future games :)
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