Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Full steam ahead...

All the arrangements for my fall semester in Tokyo are now complete. I have been accepted to Waseda, filled out all of the visa paperwork, and I have been assigned housing at a private dorm right across the street from campus. Check out this link if you can read Japanese. It is a dorm set up by a Christian group based in Japan. The room is less than $600 a month, though with electricity and the random fees they charge I figure my cost will be around $800/month. Since I was expecting to pay about $1500, that is very good news.

All of my financial aid has cleared and will be available to me August 18th. Hopefully I will get the check by the 22nd but if not my wife can cash it. That was my last concern. My wife will get her new figure skates and I'll be able to figure out my budget in Japan.


At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wooohooo!!! Japan, here you come :-)

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Jeff D said...

You know it!

I also was reading about the fact that Asians find that Westerners have a slightly unpleasant body odor because of all the animal fat we eat. So about two weeks out I'm going to amp up the amount of fish I eat and cut back on the red meat. Hopefully that will do the trick.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger KaliAmanda said...

I so excited ... and jealous! You will keep blogging long distance, right? This is going to be so awesome, man!

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Jeff D said...

Absolutely, I hope to be posting pictures the whole time I'm travelling too. Net access in most parts of SE Asia is not a problem, even in some of the areas we'd consider remote.


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