Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I decided to get some more practice in with the camera by taking some more pictures of the flowers we have growing in the backyard.

I got lucky and caught a bumblebee in action. Take a look

Some are a bit overexposed, so I'm going to play with them on photoshop a bit. These images have not been altered.

The bee:


At 2:10 AM, Blogger shaz said...

Hi jeff. Shaz here. Left you a comment on my blog bout those tropical fruits. hope you have a pleasant trip.

At 5:41 PM, Blogger ReyLynda said...

beautiful shots! Congratulations on your fall semester news, as well -- I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in Japan!

At 12:45 AM, Blogger Jeff D said...

Thank you so much. I feel like I can get some better up close ones. I really need to start bringing the camera around with me more often.

It's too bad you two will be leaving just as I arrive. I will try to take up the blogging where you leave off.


At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to find another MBA blogger, I thought I was alone out here. Great pictures! And going to Japan is a great opportunity, you should be proud. Hopefully you'll be posting from there as well.


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