Saturday, June 17, 2006


Some of you might have noticed a small map on the right side of my blog. This is a free service called Clustrmaps that I think is one of the cooler toys available to bloggers. It tracks the locations of people around the world who have visited the blog. I'm going to take great joy in traveling around Southeast Asia and adding blips to my Clustrmap.

I know from looking at the map that people have visited here and not left a comment. Please do so. I have many, many classmates from around the world and have talked to many of them about their homelands. I'm always curious to learn about the similarities and differences of various cultures.

Now I have to create some content interesting enough to generate more hits :)


At 11:17 AM, Blogger Rosie said...

hi - I'm leaving a comment. I need to get one of those maps for myself I think

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Jeff D said...

Thanks Rosie.

Go to the clustrmaps website and create and ID and they give you the code to add to your template to create the map.


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