Monday, May 15, 2006

The camera has arrived...

And is very nice indeed. I'll be posting some shots I took around the house with it. However, it's been so gloomy up in these parts that outdoor photography has been impossible.

I will say this, don't do business with WaWaDigital or One Click Digital. Both are front companies out of Brooklyn that make you call them after the order to "confirm" your credit card details. They then try to upsell you overpriced items. When I ordered at WaWa and refused the items I was told the item was out of stock and the person I was speaking with hung up.

When I called One Click I'd done some research on what other places were pricing the camera for as well as the accessories. So they sold me the camera for a lower price and I agreed to get an extra battery. They overcharged me for it, but adding the prices together I still made out pretty well. I have a feeling I'm in the minority in that regard with these slimeballs.

About five days after ordering the camera I got a call from a Western Union agent in West Virginia who stated that someone was trying to run my credit card on a wire transfer. They had my name, address and the card number.

Obviously, I'm not in West Virginia and the WU agent held on the line while I called my bank and cancelled the card. In hindsight I should have asked her if the person had a Brooklyn accent. I'd be willing to bet they did.

So I'm happy with the camera and would recommend it to anyone, but would NEVER order from these people again and would advise that you don't either.


At 6:23 PM, Blogger KaliAmanda said...

Hey, I'm already in Brooklyn. You wants maybe I bitch-slap these mooks around for you, brother?

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Jeff D said...

I never even thought of that. I should have had you go clean how in their store. The return address was on the shipping box.

Oh well, what's done is done.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger "La Bomba" said...

Sorry for changing the topic, but about your Japan Trip, are you going with an MBA fair or something? Which B-School are you representing?? thanks

visit my blog

At 11:46 PM, Blogger Jeff D said...


Thanks for your comment. I am a first year MBA at Brandeis. Our program requires you to spend a semester abroad if you have not lived abroad at some point in your life (and by abroad I mean outside of the United States.)

As I have not lived abroad, I need to spend the fall semester outside of the U.S, so I decided to go to to Waseda University in Tokyo. I will be attending school there from September until January.

An aside, I likely will be representing Brandeis at the Tokyo MBA Fair. I worked in Admissions during my first year, so if you plan on attending let me know and we will meet up.




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