Monday, April 10, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Yes, it's my birthday. I celebrated by taking my last midterm (Marketing.) Open book, open note and fairly easy at that.

My wife, parent and aunts went to Greenfield's Churrascaria in Brighton for some all-you-can-eat meat. Good times.

Not quite as upscale as Plataforma in New York, but pretty good just the same.

I have a softball game tonight in the highly competitive (sarcasm) Brandeis intramural league. I don't think our team is all that good, but we'll have a few drinks and have some fun. We have class until Wednesday when Passover begins and then we have off until two Mondays later. I plan to do some catching up for my classes and do a LOT of work for my Japanese class. I really want to know hirigana and katakana by the end of this class. Both will make my time in Japan much easier since it will allow to read a lot of the signs (especially the names of subway stations)

I also need to make a big push to memorize the basics like days of the week, numbers, months, etc. I will have much more time to study Japanese this summer and I'm really looking forward to it.

I have an interview tomorrow for a summer internship at Virtua Research, a small equity research shop in Boston. It would certainly be nice to at least get an offer in the bag!


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