Thursday, March 09, 2006


Midterms are about to be in full swing. I will have three in a week. Accounting next Monday, Operations Management on Wednesday, then Corporate Finance the Monday after next to wrap it all up. I'm headed out tonight to do my normal trivia night and tomorrow to catch a U2 cover band at Harper's Ferry, but after that I'm in lockdown. And since I've given up alcohol for lent a night out at a bar isn't going to render me useless for Saturday.

Today was the last day of my Financial Modeling class, which was by far the most difficult, interesting, and useful class I've taken so far. It integrated CorpFin and Accounting and showed how the real world interacts with them. It also taught me quite a bit about Excel, which is always a useful skill to have.

On top of five classes, working a few hours a week in Admissions and working one day a week at Brook Venture Partners, I am also taking a Japanese class Saturday mornings to help prepare myself for my fall semester at Waseda. That in addition to some Japanese language CDs (now MP3s) should help me at least get some basics down before I arrive. I will be taking intensive Japanese language classes at Waseda and hope to be fluent before I leave.

Also, please note that I'm trying to make the blog more interactive by linking a lot of the places I talk about. I hope this helps add some color to my posts and flesh them out a bit.


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