Thursday, November 17, 2005

Very big American in Tokyo?

That's the plan, anyway.

As part of Brandeis' MBA program you have to spend a semester abroad (internship or Fall semester of your second year.)

I could play it safe and go off to Europe somewhere, but the plan is to head to Tokyo and go to either Keio or Waseda University. I've never been to Asia and don't know when or if I will ever get another chance. Both schools are in the heart of Tokyo and are top-notch universities to boot.

There will likely be classmates of mine in Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai and Bangkok so there will be the opportunity to see a lot of Southeast Asia at very affordable prices.

I explained this to my wife before I entered the program so she's OK with it. She'll be coming to visit so she's looking forward to that. The two of us will stick out like sore thumbs in Tokyo as we are both very tall (I'm 6'3, she is 6'0) so that should be interesting. One of my American classmates who lived in Tokyo for several years said that most people like Americans even if they might disagree with the current political situation.

I got three midterms back yesterday. Two As and a B, though I was expecting more out of myself on the "B" so I'm fairly disappointed. That was in Finance and the final is worth 50% of our grade, so there is still room to get an A in that class.

That's all for now.



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