Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's nice to have a long weekend off, but there is certainly a lot of work that needs to get done. I got mid-semester reviews in my non-math classes and am pulling As in all of them. This is good. I also have three final projects and two debates due in this same class. Not so good.

Anyway I could put that aside for a day and just focus on one thing that I do very well: eat. I got up and went to the gym this morning with my classmate Alfredo so we could clear a little extra space to fill with food. We'll be doing the same tomorrow morning to make up for stuffing ourselves to bursting today.

I went to my aunt's house in Lynn, MA for the traditional meal. Turkey, potatoes, stuffing, pie. All that good stuff.

My classmate Dave, who is Korean-American, invited me up to his place in Salem for a late traditional Korean meal. Lots of kim chee, barbecued beef, fish pancakes and a bunch of other things were on the menu there. Several of our other classmates were there with there wives and much drinking and eating were done. This being a Korean household, the karaoke machine was turned on as well.

I just finished up the first part of my research for a group presentation that we are doing on Monday. We have to debate whether or not outsourcing to India is good for the American economy. We divided our group. Three of us, including me, are doing the "yes" argument. And two people are doing "no." We have a very slick video presentation to use for the "no" side so we are hoping that's what we'll be doing (a coin is flipped at the beginning of class to decide sides.) Either way we are ready and will have a lot of solid information to present.


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